Sharing the wealth – part one.

On a regular basis I am often asked about the presence of groups within my local area of Erewash and I know of a number of them and have made a list on this blog site to highlight them. I know its not exhaustive and there must be other groups that we don’t know about, so I asked the community to help and to tell me of groups that they felt were useful to them.

Sadly, nothing new came back to me.

So, I thought about how I could change this to get the information on groups doing good work for the neurodiverse community. I was asking the wrong question. I recalled the ABCD principles and turned it on its head.

The question became this –

Afternoon ya’ll.

Recently, I have been on a mission to plot all the groups etc within our local (ish) area of Derbyshire and I aim to write a monthly post about one group, services etc and the good things they do… a puff piece, if you will.

If anyone has something good to say, please say it.

thanks for reading 🙂


The response was beautiful – people had great things to say about the groups they belonged to.

Thanks for reading. SB

If you would like to know more about ABCD follow the link

Image used from the following website

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